I’m back

Note: Despite the date, this is not an April Fool’s joke.

Almost exactly three months ago, I stopped blogging, pretty much stopped using Twitter, stopped doing most of my daily habits, stopped worrying about my goals, and started working 14-16 hours per day on MightyBrand, a new startup that I’ve been toiling away at for awhile. I stopped doing freelance work, stopped working on side projects, etc. In short, I cut out almost everything in my life that I could so I could focus on MightyBrand.

If you’ve ever started a company, you know that it’s an emotional rollercoaster, and the first few months can be positively euphoric. The feedback and interest we’ve received on MightyBrand has been fantastic, and we’re just now wrapping up some major development projects that we’re very excited to launch. But working 16 hours per day on anything takes its toll, and the time has come for me to get back into a more balanced routine. Motivation is a powerful driving force, and I’m really surprised at how fiercely and how far it’s carried us, but relying solely on the emotion of motivation is not sustainable. It’s time to buckle down and get back to a habit-based approach to productivity.

I’m glad to be back into a “normal” routine again and I’m looking forward to sharing more details of what we’re doing over at MightyBrand.
