What I’m doing now

This now page was last updated March 15th, 2019 from NYC

What I’m focused on right now:

I took a day “off” last week to step back and look at my business. I was feeling overwhelmed and burned out, so I asked myself this question: what if I could only spend an hour per week on this business? Literally, what if I was in a remote location in the world and got access to a computer with internet access for 60 minutes per week? What would I do?

The answer was pretty clear: go over status of things with my executive assistant and make any decisions needed, then let her run with it from there. That’s it. There’s no time for anything else if we only have one hour. We’d have to just look at our dashboard and analytics, go through any emails that she needed my input on, and that’s it.

Then I did the exercise for 2, 4, 8, and 16 hours per week.

The purpose of this was to think about my business from a different perspective. I tend to think about outsourcing and delegation from a “what can I offload?” perspective, but this was more “everything has to be offloaded, and I only have one hour. What do I HAVE to do during that hour?” And then keep answering that question as I add more time, to get a sense of where my priorities lie.

What I ended up with a very streamlined schedule where I’m focused on far fewer things than before, and working to eliminate, outsource, or automate everything else. It’s a long road, but I like this framing of only having a tiny bit of time each week.

Right now, all my energy is going to into building a profitable frontend funnel. I want to be able to point paid traffic sources at a lead magnet (like 1st million) and grow the list profitably. And crucially, to grow the list at a profit (or breakeven) within minutes of spending the ad money, not over months as people on my list buy products.

This is a huge challenge, but I think it’s one that I can solve. If I do, the sky is the limit. Imagine being able to spend $10,000 per month on ads (or even 10x that) and getting that money back within a few minutes. No risk.

Right now, I’m making about 20% – 40% of my ad spend back immediately. I have a very long list of ways to push that number up, so I’m hopeful that I can get close to 100%. Once I hit about 80% though, I’ll start scaling ad traffic up to see where the breaking point is.

Oh, and I’ve decided to write a book, so I ordered about 65 books on consulting, freelance, side hustles, solopreneurship, personal development, management, etc, etc. as research. Would great appreciate any intros to awesome literary agents if you know one.

You should also follow me on Twitter and Instagram, where I share all manner of stuff on freelancing, business, travel, and the excruciating minutia my day-to-day life.
